Friday, 28 March 2014


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Having recently turned 30 I have been putting some thought into what that means to me. 
Here is the good, the bad and the ugly of my life at 30.

30, Thirty, Turning 30, Turning Thirty, Being 30, Being Thirty, Life at 30, Life at Thirty, Peter John Hattingh

I can now condescendingly address people in their twenties and younger as "You Kids" and   "The Youth of Today".

I finally get to start using the phrase "I'm too old for this shit".

Hangovers now last three days if they don't kill you.

Indigestion is no longer just something you hear about on a Gaviscon advert.

All my favourite music now makes up the top ten on Classic FM.

I have friends who are divorced.

Friendships that are 20+ years old.

The clothes from my twenties now make me look like you I'm trying too hard.

I prioritize the things that truly matter to me.

All my favourite foods are now REALLY bad for me.

I own property.

I’m no longer afraid of making mistakes.

I live in the present, try to learn from the past and let the future take care of itself.

I no longer feel the need to compete with everyone else around me and have set my own measures for success.

My job is now a career.

I spend less time explaining myself.

I spend more time being myself.

I’m learning to stop acting like everything is fine if it isn’t.

Being accountable and taking responsibly.

Grey hairs are appearing. Seriously, I’m 30. This is bullshit.

It could be worse. I could be 40.

People take me more seriously. I like that.

Stop trying to be everything to everyone.

Everything cool is being marketed to people younger than me now.

It’s called "The Dirty Thirties". That’s a plus.

Not everyone is going to like me. Tough.

Honesty is profoundly important.

I’m still trying to figure it all out.

I still use the phrase "When I grow up".

30 feels no different to 20.

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